As racks are used continuously and/or sometimes incorrectly, then their components deteriorate with time and they lose some of the functionality or load-bearing capacity incorporated in their original design. This results in a significant increase in the risk of accidents, with unforeseeable effects, not only for the installation itself and the stored goods, but also for the operators working in the warehouses. Damaged or knocked elements, even if their deterioration is not visually noticeable, can generate dangerous tensions that compromise the verticality of the system or can even cause its collapse, sometimes immediately and without prior warning.

In addition, standard EN 15635 concerning “Steel static storage systems”. Application and maintenance of storage equipment” establishes the need for storage systems to be inspected at least once a year by a professional expert.. Dadas las importantísimas implicaciones que se derivan del escenario descrito, Estanterías Record recomienda encarecidamente que el usuario actúe diligentemente en consecuencia. No dude en Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about the safety of your installations or to request our technical consultancy services.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the user of the racks to ensure the good structural condition of their installations and to ensure their proper use. In order to collaborate in this sense, Estanterías Record offers its customers, upon request, different technical support and after-sales services. We point out, without being exhaustive, the following:
- Review and inspection of the installed equipment in order to perform appropriate preventive or corrective maintenance, as required, to minimise the risks inherent to its use.
- Advice regarding the correct use of the storage system and the implementation of management guidelines with respect to maintenance and service logistics.
- Guidance and support for adopting standard operating procedures in the case of accidents.
- Training in safety and appropriate use of the work equipment.
- Delivery of product and user technical manuals.
- Supervision and assessment of maintenance tasks carried out by the user.
- We perform any corrective measures required by the equipment and replace damaged components.